{"version":"1.0.0","segments":[{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":4.0,"body":"After realizing I felt like I'd done all the right things, you know, I got my book out there, you know, Amazon's bestseller list and I was sold X number of copies, which I was pretty happy with, and still felt the like, there was something missing, like, Hey, I didn't get to share it with as many people as I wanted to. And, you know, I knew I needed to put a lot more effort into it now to now realizing I need to do that. But I wanted to just give other authors that platform, right. So say, hey, I've got a book, I've got a story. I've spent so much time and effort on this book. And it's, it's like the least I feel like I can do to help other people who have dedicated their, you know, sometimes years and years of their life to writing this, this book, and to give them you know, 20 or 30 minutes of their time to tell the world about as many people as I can share with at least. \n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":60.0,"body":"Hi, everybody. Welcome to the ROI online podcast where we believe you, the courageous entrepreneurs of our day, are the invisible key rows of our economy. You not only improve our world with your ideas, your grit and your passion, but you make our world better. I'm Steve Brown. And this is a place where we have great conversations with winners just like you while we laugh and learn together. Welcome back, everybody to the ROI online podcast. And today. I'm really proud to introduce you to Aaron Kendall, Aaron Kendall. Actually, I met Aaron ganda, when he interviewed me on his podcast, the daily authors podcast, and works with authors. And he's an interesting gentleman, and I'm excited to have you Aaron, welcome to the ROI online podcast.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":117.0,"body":"Hey, excited to be here. Steve, thank you so much for the invite.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":120.0,"body":"Yeah. So Aaron, you know, the folks that listen to this podcast, they're business owners and marketing directors, they're, they're entrepreneurs. In an often they have books, or they're considering writing a book. Tell us a little bit why you started to sail toward the book area of the world.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":142.0,"body":"Yeah, let me tell you about that. Really kind of came about by some actually unfortunate circumstances, I got sick with a chronic disease. bowel disease actually about what about six years now actually, it's been a while and it led me on this path, I'll keep it short, but really to, to heal myself. And I had been very fit before and owned a gym actually, and has been active on my life. And I was like, why did this happen to me and I just started to really look inward and discovered a lot of things about why I feel like that happened to me and I got really healthy and, you know, change my mindset changed my habits and the way of eating and, and ultimately led me, you know, to heal myself naturally without any medication. And, you know, went on to have since run, you know, huge Spartan races, and I just wanted to tell everybody about that story. And that's what led me to my first book called conquest. And then, yes, as I was diving into that process, I just realized all kinds of things like, Alright, you know, it takes, it takes quite a bit of energy to get reviews and, and, and to get on shows, like, even though I was on Amazon's bestseller list, and you know, for quite a while, like not, no one reached out to me to be on any podcasts like this. So I started to realize all these all these things that I was like, oh, man, there's these problems, I think that need to be solved. And, you know, led me to start my my podcast, daily authors, which is really a platform to help other authors who have written books to share their stories like I have, and if or if you're an entrepreneur, I even have fiction writers that are on my, my show, really, just to try to get their message out there. Because the reality is in the United States, I think there's over 4000 books published on Amazon, and any given day, on average,\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":261.0,"body":"any given day.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":263.0,"body":"Yep. So it's, it's huge, right? There's, there's, there's a lot of noise out there. And it's like, okay, no wonder why no one reached out to me, right, there was a, you know, a lot of other choices. And no one knew who I was anyway. Right. And so anyway, since then, I've, I've feel like I've learned some things and now I'm helping other authors with and podcasters actually with their shows and books to help them with these tools I develop and the coaching programs I developed to, to get themselves out there so that people do know about them and, you know, share their books and stories.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":297.0,"body":"Well, you're young, you're healthy look But it's kind of shocking for, at least for me, and I'm sure others that would be watching the video version of this to think that you are dealing with such a health problem.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":310.0,"body":"Yeah, it was a surprise to me as well as the I came out of the blue and it was just like, I didn't want to believe it. And yeah, just just happens. And, you know, we can I wrote about all this and why believe it happened. But I definitely think a lot of it was my mindset, it was weird. I was going through all these big events in my life. At that point, I was like, moving across country, I'd sold my business in California, I was having my second child, I was starting a new job, like all these, you know, we consider probably big major events. And I really believe a lot of that stress really got to me, I let that really overwhelm me, and I wasn't treating my body well, eating rights. And ultimately, I came up with these 10, like, these 10 things that I felt like I had to change, or that I did change to the process that I share in my book. And I know this isn't necessarily about my book. But that's that it was a fun part about writing. And I really did it. And I believe authors really need to find a big reason to write a book. And for mine of the reason I did it was I was thinking about actually my kids at the time, because now I have four kids. And then I had when I wrote the book, I have three. And yeah, it was just like, hey, what legacy don't want to leave? If they have these problems in the future? Or anything similar to could they use this information to really help themselves and get out of that situation?\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":390.0,"body":"Well, so tell us the name of your book. Since we're very much \n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":394.0,"body":"it's, it's called conquest 10 simple steps to conquer life and leave a lasting legacy.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":400.0,"body":"Awesome. So so what you talked to a lot of authors, and this event happened to you, but something instigates authors to go, Okay, I'm going to really commit to writing a book. What is the common theme that you see in that conversation that authors have that actually where they push themselves? off the cliff?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":428.0,"body":"Yeah, good question. I think, I think it's, it is a similar storyline is what I have. I've talked to me and maybe it's because I'm talking to a lot of people in like, the self development space, self help space, but in that regard, a lot of people have, you know, a very life altering experience, whether that's they, they overcame cancer, or they, you know, they, they hit rock bottom with their business. And, you know, they found another way to get out of that, right. And as others who were, you know, physically abused by their spouses, and they wrote about, like, how they escaped and how they're helping other women now scape that and so just just some really, just amazing stories, I guess, I should say, of people overcoming things in their life, and whether that's business or his personal life.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":486.0,"body":"But that, to, to get past that awful event that was impacting their life is huge. That's a big deal. That's when a lot of people struggle with but then to add on top of that, hey, I think I'll write a book about this. So other people can't. How, how does that conversation go? And how do you get past? Well, who am I to write a book?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":512.0,"body":"Yeah, I think I think it comes with a lot of help. I don't I haven't seen a lot of others who have done it and not had like some kind of help or someone to kind of say that, hey, you can do this. A lot of the folks that I I talked to that have been through a coaching program, or you know, whether it's a group coaching program, or one on one coaching, I really feel like it's taking. They've had the interest, they feel like maybe I could do it, but they don't have the confidence, right? So I think that that mentorship has been very critical when I've seen.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":547.0,"body":"So tell us about daily author. So this is another thing one day, your books, you did the book thing you're going along, then you realize I went to an experience. Other authors may needs some support Talk, talk to us about that conversation in your mind.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":566.0,"body":"Yeah, I'll go back to when I even got, you know, introduced to podcasting. And this is probably back in 2017. I went to a conference. And I heard someone by the name of john Lee Dumas speak on stage and for those in the podcasting world, I'm sure you know who that is. And he has a very successful podcast. And actually, I just interviewed him about a month ago, which was pretty cool, coming full circle and he was one of the first to start like a daily podcast, interview interviewing other people, right? Specifically entrepreneurs. And yeah, I think that kind of planted a seed in my head. And when I finished writing the book, I knew I wanted to start a podcast. And I was like, Hey, I, after realizing I felt like I'd done all the right things, you know, I got my book out there, you know, I Amazon's Best Seller list and I sold X number of copies, which I was pretty happy with. And, and still felt the like, there was something missing, like, Hey, I, I didn't get to share it with as many people as I wanted to. And, you know, I knew I needed to put a lot more effort into it now to now realizing I needed to do that. But I wanted to just give other authors that platform, right to say, hey, I've got a book, I've got a story. I've spent so much time and effort on this book. And it's, it's like the least I feel like I can do to help other people who have dedicated their, you know, sometimes years and years of their life to writing this, this book, to give them you know, 20 or 30 minutes of their time to tell the world about as many people as I can share with at least right. So that's that's kind of how it all came about. I just got excited about having a daily show, inspired by others, like john Lee Dumas. And then my experience of writing a book, it led me to this place of realizing that a lot of other authors need that help, too.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":684.0,"body":"So you interview authors daily? And how many people have you interviewed?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":693.0,"body":"Yeah, it feels like I've been doing it for a while now, but probably not including the ones that I've published out there. I think I've got around 150 episodes published and another 30. Sitting ready to be published.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":707.0,"body":"That's a, that's an amazing feat to create that much content on a daily basis. And so how does how does your system work? you're interviewing folks, but then you're you're building up this back log of stuff? How do you You must have a really cool system to get it edited and published.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":728.0,"body":"Yeah, yeah, there's there's multiple, as you're, you're realizing, Steve, I mean, you it takes, it takes some work, right. But in the beginning, I was just like, as a big proponent of like, doing it all myself in the beginning, whether that was even just the first handful of episodes, and I quickly realized I was I can do all this all by myself. Especially if I want to produce as much content. So I think that's my, my hack for any of those who want to start a podcast or you know, even other things in life, right, get get help. And there's so many resources Now, like I, I found a great editor on Upwork, who, you know, lives in another country, and I pay him $5 an hour to handle all my stuff, you know, and he does an amazing job. And so that that's, that's been a key component. But I started to automate everything, right? Whether that's stuff as simple as you, you have a page that tells everybody about what the shows about and then that leads, you know, has some of the questions and makes people feel comfortable. And then the calendar form that's on there, that's like, Alright, they sign up, and they see your calendar, you don't have to have that back and forth about when we can meet or any of that. Right. All that's mitigated. We know before we talked on the shows, starting the show, see, we talked about like, the pre interview process. And, and, yes, I've had some not ideal interviews, but most of all, I mean, especially authors are very well spoken. And they've done a lot of writing written a book, you kind of have to be thinking differently just to write a book in general. So I felt like, Hey, I didn't need to have that step. I probably double or triple my time spent if I actually did all the pre interview, yeah, you know, process, right. So I dropped that. And then, you know, from that, send all the email automation that happens in between the shows the reminders, and then post interview, all that's automated. And as soon as the interview is done, it goes into a folder that then my editor picks up, a couple days later, it's done. And I spend maybe 15 minutes to post that. And I can even automate that if I wanted to write or have it outsourced. So yeah, I'll have I tried to make it so that and I think this is important, especially as an entrepreneur, is spend the time doing the stuff that you're most excited doing. And I'm most excited about talking to other authors, and that's mostly what I want to do, and not the other stuff.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":871.0,"body":"So that many authors that many conversations, who are the authors that you really connect with and you seem to be a perfect fit to help them get past all the hurdles that all the authors face.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":891.0,"body":"Yeah, I think there's, there's a couple different people I've connected with. Some, some are just like, I can see them as a buddy Go in, you know, had conversation. I'm a big surfer and like, hey, I'd love to go surfing with you sometime that kind of connection. Others, they remind me of like my, my mother in law who has like, like, they've just launched a book and they have very little skills, technically, you know how to build a landing page or email automation campaign, or they don't know about the tools, you know, they hardly know how Google Sheets might work. Right? Right. And so those are the ones I really empathize with that, that have a lot, several of them become my clients. Now. We're, like, walking him through all that. And, you know, I was fortunate enough to actually get, you know, degree from MIT sounds like very technical background, all of this was very easy for me, right? And so that's probably the two I feel like I've connected with the most. And it's just keeping it simple for people so that they don't feel that overwhelm. I think that's one of the biggest reasons I feel like other you know, in my experience in clients, other clients experience, they feel like they might not take action is because they, yeah, we can do all these, all these things. But one of the biggest things that you can do to make the biggest impact and not not feel like he had a million tasks to do.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":975.0,"body":"Right, so let's, let's walk through that. And if there were three things, let's say I'm, I'm an author that, that did, huge thing. started the book, wrote the book, finished the book published the book, but what are like the top three things now that I've, I've woken up and realized, if I thought writing a book was a lot of work, hmm, promoting and marketing books even more. So what are the top three things that you would go talk us through? What are the what what are those things that we need to address? in what order?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":1012.0,"body":"So you want to and specifically about maybe getting our book out there? \n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":1015.0,"body":"Yeah, just start? You know, why did I write the book, because I'm wanting people to read it. And, and change the world in some way and their world in some way? You know?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":1027.0,"body":"So, I think you should also add, maybe you've already written a book, but and you can write it as, say, a passion project, like I even did with my book. But I think the very first step is to, I think you hit on it, Steve, is, why are you writing this thing? Right? Like, what's the purpose? Are you trying to get more leads for your business? Or her? Are you wanting a platform to speak about, you know, the issues that you're addressing in the book, whether that's environments or, you know, bowel disease, or whatever it might be? Right. So I think that's the very first step. And if you've already written a book, hey, you can always run another as well, right? So it's, it's not like the end of the world, if you feel like you've written a book about something, you don't want to push forward in a certain way. But if you're in that in that good place, and you're like, Hey, I wrote this thing, because yeah, I do, maybe want to start a business. And this is what I feel books are great for, is a huge lead in and that credibility builder, right for others to say, hey, this person is an expert in this area. And it gives you instant credibility to then start to do things like we're doing now, right to get on podcasts, to speak on stage. And so leading into what I feel like the number one thing I would do, and as an author, and even as a podcaster, or business owner, I feel like podcasting and guest, podcasting is is a huge opportunity, without even spending any money at all right? It's your time, which you know, quits the money, but it's, it's an opportunity to, to let other people know who you are what you offer. Because at the end of the day, I think all of us have that same problem, especially as business owners, right? Like, you have this incredible thing. And I grew up seeing my dad who was a great inventor, and he great invented a bunch of stuff, but he just didn't know how to tell everybody about it. And I think obscurity is our biggest challenge as authors, podcasters and business owners. So my number one tip would be get on as many podcasts as you can. And there's, you know, ways to make the most of your time as well by saying, Okay, what are the most popular shows, maybe those are the ones you might want to focus on. But you might just want to have some experience doing and it's, it's a fun thing to do, right? And you never know who's listening or who might pick up that episode, even a year down the road. Because that that content out there is living. And, you know, a new fan of the show might go back to that first episode or that episode that's, you know, 50 episodes deep or 25 and say, oh, I'll check this one out. So that's the main thing and we can dive into how I've created some tools and ways to do that. But number one, get that in order. And along with that is platforms like LinkedIn, I feel like it's not. I feel like it's there's a lot of opportunity there, especially for authors to connect and collaborate and have that one on one connection, which I feel like the world is craving a bit more now than then, you know, I spoke about automation before, which I think is, is still necessary. But also the just the personal connection with people that, you know, the, I think others are tired of just seeing an email where, like, buy this thing. But they also want that connection with somebody. And if you can create that, especially by getting on somebody else's show. And, you know, starting your own show, like like, like you've done Steve as well, you just have that chance to connect personally, more than any kind of other medium, I think. Because without that, I just think this time that we have now like what other times you have actually sitting and talking one on one with somebody. It's pretty rare, right? Even if you're hanging out with your, your family or friends, it's like you're watching TV a little bit, you're having side conversations, but to have a focus 30 minutes or an hour conversations pretty, pretty rare. Those are a couple of things, I think, I think other thing is too, and we don't want to necessarily spend the money. But there's, you know, I think you got to advertise, right. And a book is a great way you can you can charge you know, something under $10, for example, for a digital version of your book. And if you have the systems you have to know Steve, you know all about this is that book can lead to so much other so many other opportunities to help somebody on the other end of that, whether that's a course or a one on one coaching or group coaching. And to me that that book is just an opportunity to present yourself as that expert to give them help before you really help them out.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":1327.0,"body":"Want to pause here just for a moment and talk to you about a program that we have just released called the ROI quickstart Academy for authors. Every day, I talk to business owners just like you who struggle with quickly getting their fundamentals in place. We want to create a great foundation and we want to grow our business. But the things that are in our way, our lack of knowledge about the specifics we should put in place, what kind of technology what kind of messaging and what kind of campaigns and that problem exists for authors as well. And we just chill so good with authors because, well, I'm an author, and I understand everything that you struggle with, you have a great idea you have a great book, but what do you want to do, you want to get your book in front of more people, you want to make it easy for them to find you learn how they can schedule a time to talk with you hire you for a conference, or maybe sign up for the services that your book promotes. So what is the Quickstart Academy for authors? Imagine working with a small group of like minded authors, and the experts from the ROI quickstart team, it's a great way to get your messaging clear to be confident with the technology in your marketing automation, and how to run a strategic campaign to get you more of what you want from the investment of your book. To learn more about the Quickstart Academy for authors, you can visit ROI or click in the link in the show notes below. And now back to this episode. Yeah, it's amazing. Talking about that focus that time and being able to talk to someone without them checking their phones, the kids running up and asking you a question, to be able to sit one on one like that I get energy from it. It's very fulfilling. When you think about writing a book, and someone takes the time to concentrate and read your book, it may take 234 or five hours. That's that's quite an honor to receive that amount of focus from them. But the reason they did that is because they were receiving value from it. They they chose to invest that finite time of their life to come away from that investment of time with something of value and they appreciate that view. So for you to even stop and create that so that person could benefit from that is huge. And it's very fulfilling. Wouldn't you agree? \n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":1486.0,"body":"Absolutely. Yeah. It's like you said it's an honor of someone to read your book in this one at a time. I'm always honored and you know, I gave away my book for free every, every guest that's on my show, and I I just want them to have it. And if they read it and get one thing out of it, and, you know, I'm always those are the best moments I feel like and when I interview other authors, that's one of the very best or very, I guess most said thing when when I asked them, hey, what's the best part about being an author? It's like, hey, when I get that feedback, and someone says, Man, this book, really hit home for me or even say, some of them said, Hey, others have written and said, this book saved my life. Right? So it's, it's quite incredible.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":1532.0,"body":"Awesome. Okay, so all right. Let's use me as an example. I'm, I'm producing a podcast, but I need to be on other podcasts too much. So using LinkedIn, talk me through how you would coach me to get on more interviews, utilizing LinkedIn?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":1555.0,"body":"Sure, yeah. We can talk about LinkedIn and one other strategy or if you want, but yeah, link, starting with LinkedIn. I think the very the most important things to first get your profile, right, right. And the probably one of the most critical parts of your profile is your title. And at least, you see some more people doing this this date today. But instead of it talking all about you, which is a lot of times when we think of a resume, you're like, Hey, this is all about me. You're, you really want to talk about how you can help others, right? And how you can benefit them and what you can what benefit they'll get by even, you know, connecting with you, right? And so it's really about identifying who is that you can help? How you can help them and what result that they're going to, you know, what result they can get out of that. And so I would I would phrase, rephrase my title immediately. If, you know, that'd be my number one tip to say, use something like I help authors get on, you know, extend their reach, sell more books and products by getting on by guest podcasting, something like that, right, then that's exactly or something similar to that what my profile says. And then from there, you know, like, people might jump into your about section and start to read about, okay, well, how How's he doing that? And I actually have phrased my more like a sales letter, really, that leads them to a video that could potentially lead them to a one on one conversation, right? So that's, that's the number one thing I would I would start with, and I guess backpedaling a little bit, I would say make sure you know you, you know exactly who you want to help, right, you really need to figure that out first, and you want to niche down, right? You don't want to be everything to everybody, I see this a lot on LinkedIn, you know, this, their title, or this individuals, like doing a lot for everybody. And it's like, okay, now you're really kind of not helping anybody? Because how can you be an expert in so much, right? And I was, you know, this, Steven, it's like, you know, a brain surgeon is gonna get paid more than a general doctor, right? practitioner. So it's the same thing on LinkedIn, you want to try to hit home, hit your message, it hit home with some particular group, at least initially, you know, as you start to grow, and everybody knows about you, and you can, you can expand and grow. But that's the first thing. And then there's, you know, just a connection message. And the, I think there's a, there's a three part messaging that I've used to connect with a lot of the people that I have, and it depends what you want to do, right? Right now I'm leading a lot of people to this new platform I've created called review karma. Other times, I might be asking people, if they want to jump in on a call, or actually give them a video that will help them with that, even before that, I just send them to a video that then leads them to say, hey, do you want to book a strategy session? So it depends what you want to do. But I really just try to keep the Connect connection message short, and I've been able to connect it like generally over 70% with my messages, and just keeping it really short and trying to find something in common like as if you're an author, I just say, Hey, I love connecting with authors, which I do I interview authors and even give them opportunities sometimes just to be on my show that that alone feeds, I could have so many people just be on my show just by that one message. Yeah. I don't always just invite people on the show, but I might allude to it. But also really just saying, what we have in common is a big deal. Instead of just being like, Hey, I saw you in my feed will love to connect like like, Okay, well why you know, so you got to give someone that reason. And then after that, I usually send them a thank you like if you can reply and send a thank you to everyone that does connect you. That'd be amazing. And there are some tools to help you do this. And whether or not You feel comfortable doing that. I know there are some restrictions, technically with LinkedIn where they don't want to use some automated tools. So that's like a personal call you have to make. But what I personally have used is called octopus. Yeah. So that that's a way to do a lot of this automatically without spending hours and hours of your day, right. And then finally, have a have somewhere to send people. And my, my mantra is, show people, you can help them by helping them first, right? So help them with a free video of how they can get the result that you're saying you can get them before they pay for anything, right? And give them your best content up front. And a lot of times you think that you might be like sabotaging yourself or your future services by doing the it's not the case? Really, it just shows that it piques people's interest like, hey, this stuff is that good up front? Man, what does he have to offer then when you get that one on one coaching, right. So those would be my my personal tips that have helped me on LinkedIn specifically.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":1868.0,"body":"Those are excellent tips. One thing that I do, I don't have an automated thing. But when people ask to connect with me, I accept every every invite or connection, invite but I have a in my notes. Over here, I have a some text, video and a link to my book. So add a copy that put it in there. And it leaves a space for their name, and I put their name. So thanks for connecting. And just wanted you to know my book is now available on Audible. You can get it for free. If you don't have an audible account. Here's the link. And then I have a little video. I use Vidyard. But some people might use soapbox or whatever. But the video just goes hey, I'm I'm excited to connect with you. Here's a little bit about this. And again, thanks for connecting with me. It's awesome. And I just paste it on there and you get four or five invites a day. That adds up over the year.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":1928.0,"body":"Yep, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, it, it stands out for sure when you do that stuff. \n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":1934.0,"body":"So tell me a success story. If someone's listening to this conversation right now, and they've been in the back of their mind, they've been thinking about this, and they're going alright, I I'm very interested in what Aaron's talking about, till I get my son, draw a picture of us of a success story of someone that connected with you and before and after.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":1961.0,"body":"Yeah, well, like I said, it seems like I've been drawn lately to a lot of the folks that and I think a lot of people can relate that just don't have the expertise or the especially just how to pull it all together, right. And as far as technical stuff, and also just how to get there quickly, right. And that's what a coach can really help you do, you can probably figure it out on your own eventually. But it might take you 10 times as long than someone who's already been there and done it. So really, it's it's nothing too magical other than I'm using what's really worked for me. And you know, an example of what that might look like is, hey, someone who's written a book, who has realized they're like, Hey, I thought writing the book was a hard thing. But then, like, how do I get anybody to buy a thing or other people to buy the services that I'm trying to offer? Behind the book. And there's all these little pieces, right? There's, you know, that thing, that page that you need to send people to the start to know about that thing you can offer them and there's a video that you might need to create along with that, and there's all the, you know, the emails that might need to go along with that. And, and it's piecing all that stuff together. Because there's a ton of platforms, there's different choices. I feel like I've vetted out so many of them right and so that that's where I feel like a lot of what I'm trying to help others do I get there as quickly as possible. And the success is when they're able to then go from not getting on any shows like I was at one point to then easily getting over even 20 shows a month, right? And, and not all of them will produce the same amount of value as others. And it's a little hard to quantify that ahead of time, right? You don't know who's listening and you don't know if that will actually resonate with that. That group always but you can narrow that in tightly especially with you know, the database a huge database, I now have several hundred thousand podcasts and, and then you get in a place where you're in that rhythm now like you're doing 20 a month, and that's leading someone to a page or multiple pages of services that then funnel people into You know, where you now just look at your calendar and you've got people scheduled to talk to you about your services or their, you know, you're seeing that people are buying your course, or whatever it might be right. And all of that obviously takes work effort. But I think it starts, I think the book is an amazing place to start, because it's just, again, that credibility builder and leading people and upfront showing that you're the expert in the area that that can really help them do you know, X, Y, or Z. So yeah, I think people different people have different goals, and whether that's selling a book or a coaching program, or you know, to make seven figures. I think, some some people I know, they've already got the money, they just, they just want to be on more shows, right? And they just, they just want their message to be heard. Because they, they really believe in it. And so depending on what your your ultimate goal is, I think I think the opportunities I've shared with you are out there to get the message out there and guest podcast, and share your books and stories.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2171.0,"body":"So what do you think fewer coaching someone to carve out on a regular basis tried to get on 10 1520? How many podcasts interviews a month? Would you? Would you coach them to set set a goal to do and then how long? Do you need to do that for it to really pick up momentum and get you over the tipping point?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2197.0,"body":"Yeah, good question. I, I think it's not necessarily about the quantity. I think what I realize I'm even I'm booked on shows say a year out, right, because they're so popular. And, and so I think if you can get on some very popular shows, that's probably more important than the quality quantity. But I think a lot of the quantity adds up to say the, the quality or the the viewership of our listenership of, you know, one particular podcast, maybe if you get on 10 shows, it might equate to, say, getting on the Tim Ferriss show or something like that. Right. Right. I think I think there's a differentiation there. And so I think the strategy will be based on that. Also, like, if you don't have you know, if you're not already known, well known, maybe I would, I would recommend start to build, build up by just getting on shows, build up your confidence, and just get on as many shows as you can, whatever opportunities you can take them, right, and then that will build sort of a resume, because as part of what I try to help others do, I start to, you know, use a one sheet that I have them create. And that's just a quick, you know, one page of who I am the types of interview questions I can answer what topic areas. And, you know, believe in all the interviews I've done, I probably seen less than a handful of those being presented to me for people that want to be on my shows, so that automatically that helps people stand out right away. So, again, I guess back to your question, it's, it's, it's really about who you are already, because if you're a guy like john Lee Dumas, for example, he sets up one single day of his whole month just to be on interviews, right? And he can do that, because people will accommodate his schedule, and he just has a 15 minute block of time, right? And that's all he gives you. But you know, to others, it we might have to adjust heavily to other people's schedules, because they don't know who we are. And it's, it's more, you know, we're trying to get ourselves out, there's more, right? So if I, if I was already in that place of being someone I know, I would do what john Lee Dumas is doing, and just be on 20 in a given day and make the most of my time without task switching. But otherwise, try get on as many as you can, but also focus on those that you know, probably have higher our listenership, which, in my strategy I use is those podcasts, I feel like to have more reviews, the more reviews a podcast has, in general, I feel like they're more popular, right?\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2358.0,"body":"Well, such system. So folks would reach out to you, they would connect with you, you would interview them, I would imagine, I'm guessing here. So you pick it up, but sit down and start to figure out what audience they would want to appear in front of them. And then you start looking for a portfolio of interviews that they can do and then you trigger off a system to begin initiating those.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2387.0,"body":"Yeah. That's the high level. Yeah, I think really tried to the strategy is and depending on how well was set up, I really like to understand who exactly they're trying to Help, right? The same thing exercise, I talked about LinkedIn. Really that's the what you want to get on a podcast and hopefully start to hone or talk about, you know what you want to focus your talk on a little bit, right, and at least feed it into the conversation. So you got to know that up front. And then from there, yeah, you can find the keywords, the categories of podcasts that might have those types of listeners. And then, with your LinkedIn profile set up, you have a great one sheet. I really like the connection emails that I like to send along with LinkedIn, I basically have all these emails that have I know all the podcasts have guests on, they have they, they they're active, right, they've had chose published in the last day, three months, then then you can start to use the system to both automatically email those groups of people. And then a system I use to then connect with podcasters. On on LinkedIn, the list I have is a lot more targeted, because I can, you know, it's hard are harder on on LinkedIn to really know, okay, does this podcast have a? Do they allow guest you know, the show, you really have to dive in a little deeper there, right. But with the list, I can already narrow that down. So I like to actually use email first. And then LinkedIn is a little more targeted and takes a little more time, maybe a little more manual, but they're both great, great ways to do that. And then those systems and allow, you know, it's kind of a numbers game a little bit, right, depending on who you are, then you connect with so many people, you're going to get invited on so many shows.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2501.0,"body":"Awesome. So tell us a little bit about review karma.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2506.0,"body":"Yeah, so review, karma is something I've been working on for the last five or seven months. It's another area where I felt like I was lacking in, in a way to build, you know, quality, credible reviews, you know, there's a lot of places I think you can you can spend so much money, and then they'll get you so many reviews maybe. And then as far as the, you know, the collaboration connection I talked about as well, the platform basically allows you to do that reviews, or get reviews for your books or podcasts, but the same time collaborate and connect with the same reviewers. So if I was to review your book, Steve, which I have done, if you do that review process, you know, I would send you a message, just say, Hey, you know, I loved your book, Steve, which I did. And we'd love to connect and be on your show, which now I'm on your show, right? So that, that it didn't necessarily happen in that order. But that's the idea, right? And I give people that that opportunity sometimes that it's instead has to happen more organically or just, you know, being very methodical about connecting to people on LinkedIn. So I was hoping to solve that problem with the platform, not only good reviews, which I feel are really important for books, you know, and podcasts again, like I said, I think people are looking at shows at least a guest podcasts on and I don't know, not everybody's looking at reviews, and so listen to that particular podcast. But some people are right, it's it's kind of like eating out, you might you might use those to know whether or not you want to listen to a show or read a book. And then the the list that I talked about is that huge database is on review comments. So if you go there, it's right now it's actually free. And just wanting to build up a membership. I launched it only a few weeks ago, and it's it's already has over 100 members now. And really trying to just get people to use the platform and find value out of it and give me feedback. So if if you find something that you don't you think can be better. I'm all ears for making those changes. But yeah, I was just trying to help people out this database is there the the big differentiator is that you can like export that to like a CSV like I could do with my clients and, and really help them sort of automate some of these things where we could set that up to say email 25 to 50 people a day and start to get on a lot of shows that way, right. But you You can also come you can use that database to get the contact information with a website or email address and reach out one at a time.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2675.0,"body":"Okay, Aaron, so tell us again, the name of your book and where people can find it.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2681.0,"body":"Yeah, my name my books name is conquest tense principle steps to conquer life and leave a lasting legacy and you can get that on Amazon. If you're wanting to be a guest on my show. You'll get it for free. can reach out to me at daily and always interested in Talking to authors and love talking to authors.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2702.0,"body":"Yeah, so your website is daily And your podcast is of the same name.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2709.0,"body":"Yep. Yep, the daily authors podcast,\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2712.0,"body":"and then get review Is that right?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2717.0,"body":"That's right. Yep. The platform just talked about, it's called review karma. But though the URL is get review\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2723.0,"body":"And then your LinkedIn is\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2727.0,"body":"just my name, Aaron, Kendall, G and D le.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2730.0,"body":"So that's one of those names is kind of nice. It's, it's like Steve Brown, I struggle, I'm trying to figure out a way to name myself without like, a bunch of numbers afterwards, right. So that I'm always jealous of folks that have these great names where they can like Aaron, although you may not have that, but I've always like been jealous of folks that have those original names. What's my last question for you? And what what was one question? That would have been cool? That if I would have asked it, but I didn't?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2770.0,"body":"Yeah, so always a good one. I would probably have asked, What are you up to next?\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2779.0,"body":"Hey, Aaron. Last question. For we go. What's the future for you?\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2786.0,"body":"Yeah, so the future, I guess I'm doing a lot of what I'm already doing. But trying to just do it in a way where I can have a team, a bigger team to help. And actually, I'm connected with the author recently, which is really cool. And for any entrepreneurs out there, I really consider it it's a, it's really a way to have interns do a lot of the work for you. And to build their resume, right as they're doing it right. And you don't, there's different ways to pay, some of it can be performance based and whatnot. But I, I truly believe that a lot of what we want to do as entrepreneurs, we just can't do it all on our own right. And using something like internships, or I hire people off, places like that will allow you to find, you know, just a plethora of, you know, talents that you can use to help grow your business and, you know, necessarily scale out, you know, hugely, you know, sometimes you feel like you might be overwhelmed, but it's also just a really enjoyable experience to connect and have a team that that really is on board with what you're doing right. And you can give back to those people that you might have that that senior seniority ins, and you know, that experience that you can share with others that they can use to grow their their careers.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2871.0,"body":"Cool. Where you been a great guest, I've really enjoyed this conversation. I think it's very timely, and relevant. And so thanks so much for being on the ROI online podcast.\n"},{"speaker":"Aaron Gendle ","startTime":2884.0,"body":"Awesome, Steve. Well, it's been my pleasure, man. Always great to connect with the author podcaster. And you're doing an amazing job with your show. So thank you so much.\n"},{"speaker":"Steve Brown ","startTime":2892.0,"body":"I appreciate it. And that's a wrap. Awesome. Thanks for listening to another fun episode of the ROI online podcast. For more, be sure to check out the show notes of this episode. And feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn where we can chat, and I can help direct you to the resources you're searching for. To learn more about how you can grow your business better. Be sure to pick up your copy of my book, The Golden toilet at surprise, that golden I'm Steve Brown, and we'll see you next week on another fun episode of the ROI online podcast."}]}